Empowering Women for Sustainable Development

Improving the lives of children and families living in poverty, fits well with SOL’s mission to provide good entrepreneurship skills to the marginalized people in the communities we work in.

Our Pilot Project

When we put women and girls at the centre of development we help them access needed services and information, complete their education, and gain the knowledge and skills they need to participate in the economy and in the development of their communities.

Diana was our candidate for the pilot project, supported by Hope's Doorway USA, we helped her start up a small grocery store and through her profits she is in-training to be a tailor as a means of maximising her potential to be a successful bussinesswoman. This project was implemented in November, 2020 and is currently  successfully sustainable. Diana, born in poverty, is confidently providing for her family and is able to support her children's education. She encourages her fellow women that they too can change their lives for better when they put their love for Jesus Christ first and accept the opportunities that come their way to build a community where their children will receive an education and live better lives with their full potential out of poverty. This is a huge step for her, to be part of our team with the goal of eradicating poeverty through education and empowerment.